Here we go!

Hi! I’m happy to see that you’ve stumbled upon my blog. Welcome to, what I hope will be, an amazing journey. It’s only been about a week so far and it’s absolutely astonshing what I’ve accomplished. Let me start from the beginning…*queue weird warpy music and the liquid-y time reverse thing*

One week ago today I happened to be on youtube just checking out the new Beyonce song “1+1” (which I love btw) and I happened to look at the comments, I was bombarded with a bunch of claims stating that she was Illuminati and demonic and all kinds of things. I’m not a conspiracy theorist and in my opinion, if Illuminati existed in that capacity, I seriously doubt the public would have any idea. Anyway, I was bored so I googled Beyonce Illuminati, which led me to the vigilant citizen website, like I said…I’m not a conspiracy theorist, but I was bored so I read his/her (I have no idea just happened across, no offense to whomever it is) opinion of the translation of the music video. I was actually almost laughing, but, the symbolism for some reason seemed interesting. I mean, who read/watched The DaVinci Code and wasn’t absolutely fascinated? So, naturally, I googled occult symbolism, this made for an interesting read for probably close to 3 hours, where it eventually led me back to a subject I’ve LONG been interested in, which is Buddhism. Buddhism led to meditation. I had never tried to meditate before, nor had it even crossed my mind in the past, but for some reason, this time, this day, I decided to learn more about it, and possibly try it out for myself. My good friend google was right there to help me out with this as well, so “meditation” went in the search bar and the Silva Method popped up. I vaguely remembered something about it, and I had read about a few other ways, but this caught my attention (I assume from my brain remembering it from something in passing). Fast forward 24 hours, by this time I had read about various forms of meditation and relaxation and hypnotism and methods to reach a state of mind where one can alter their life by altering their thoughts. Let me digress for just a moment and explain that in the past I had heard about this “believe it achieve it” “secret” stuff and ability to use consciousness to change things and immediately thought it was a crock. However, in the past year I’ve been drawn to quantum physics and learning about the vibrations of the cosmos and that everything is connected (string theory, M-theory, wiki/google all that stuff it’s FASCINATING!), that being said, the idea of one consciousness and being able to tap into that in my own self sounded AWESOME (and now believable)! So back to the Silva Method…I have a self-diagnosed, over-active brain, 🙂 meaning, basically, I’m constantly thinking about at least 75 things at once (which, on a sidenote, means I speak incredibly fast and tend to tell the end of a story first and then keep backtracking, here you have a prime example, but bear with me) so I didn’t think I was a good candidate for meditation. However, the more I read about the Silva Method, it’s guided meditation, and the use of the binaural waves, it seemed like it just might work, so I did what any person seeking enlightenment in 2011 would do, I looked for the app . That night, I got comfy in what I can only describe was the stereotypical movie meditation stance, put on my headphones, and proceeded with the “Goodnight Meditation”. One would think I stood up 30 minutes later feeling refreshed, relaxed, and ready for a good nights sleep…and one would be wrong. It hadn’t worked! I had tried my hardest, and really thought I was doing everything right, I thought I felt something, but I couldn’t visualize anything, and I certainly still felt my feet. Feeling slightly discouraged, but more determined than ever to figure out a way to tap into my hidden energy source, I went to sleep. I woke up the next morning when my alarm clock went off. Wait, WHAT? I woke up WHEN my ALARM went off? I ALWAYS wake up sometime in the middle of the night, and when my alarm goes off, I hit snooze for like an hour! Did I really just sleep a full night’s sleep and wake up fully rested? Yes sirs and madams, I most certainly did! My goodness, I had a smile on my face and decided to try the “Good Morning Meditation”. It could’ve been wishful thinking (well, isn’t that what it is anyway? Positively pushing your inner desires into being :P) but I thought it might have worked a little! I was feeling refreshed, relaxed, and ready to continue my work day. That evening, I decided I would try the “Centering” excercise instead of the “Goodnight” track and I can only attempt to put into words the experience I had! The feeling of “being” and the interaction with myself. While being guided in the Alpha state, I felt such a peace, an understanding, a relaxation, and a connection. My physical body and spirit seemed to be separate, but even more connected than ever. The positive energy I released literally felt like electricity flowing through my entire body. When I returned from the Alpha state, I rushed to hug ANYONE in my house I could find in hopes they could get some of that good feeling (spreading the positive vibes, man)! I still don’t know WHY it works, I only know THAT it works, and after using the Silva Method for about 4 days, I’m able to get into the Alpha State and use other methods of meditation without the binaural clicking. I still use the Silva Method, and it will most likely be my go to for a while, there is so much to learn, and I’ve only been doing this a week 🙂

Here we are back at today, over the course of the last week I had also been doing some research on humanitarian volunteer programs and seeking out employment with various humanitarian organizations. This is when I received probably my 3rd email from “Laura” associated with the Silva Method. I noticed it said Mindvalley at the bottom, curious as I am, I decided to check that out, it was a link, and I like to click stuff. I happened across, what could literally be the threshold to fulfilling what I believe my purpose to be. An “Awesometastic” place to work, in an area I feel drawn to. I’m riding this

cosmic wave and may it crash right on their doorstep!

Oh, and to answer that question about what my purpose is? Well I’ve been living it out on a much smaller scale for as long as I can remember, but it’s time to “super size”!

My new motto in life: “I will help others find the inner light in whatever form it comes to them. I will lift others up whenever possible, but when it is not, I will not push them down. I will proudly display my love for life and radiantly share the beauty I’ve found within myself. I will learn as much as I can, but I won’t retain the “trash” that belongs in the can. I will never stop asking questions. I’ve been a rockstar my whole life, called a rockstar for the past 11 years of this wonderful life, and will rock harder and harder everyday in every way until this life is complete!”

This might sound awesome to some of you, ridiculous to a few, and downright crazy to the rest, but guess what I say? If you have a passion for something, go for it! For all we “know” we only live once 😉

Forever Seeking,


***Tomorrow I will reveal the reaction of my family and friends to my life-changing decision to pursue employment abroad and revelation of my desire to experience life on a much grander scale than 73″ 3D TV’s, and all-inclusive resorts in tropical locales***